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Showing posts from 2010

Climate change - a measured approach

27 Feb 2010 -  Letters to the Editor, Herald Newspapers Sir, In his letter in the Herald of 12 February, Simon Joslin of Oakhanger raises important points about the debate on global warming, points which cannot simply be ignored. There have been three key errors made by some (not all) of the leading proponents of action against global warming. The first error was to re-define ‘belief’ in global warming as some sort of article of faith, which should no longer be open to question. This is misguided; nothing in science should be immune to challenge. Calling those who do raise questions ‘flat-earthers’ is only likely to wind them up, and understandably so. The second error was to over-simplify the subject, to suggest that the world is just getting hotter, and that all studies confirm the same thing. In truth something as complex as world climate will always throw up anomalies, and trends will be more jumpy than straight-line. To pretend otherwise was asking for trouble. No wonder gains...